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 Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB

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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptySun Aug 15, 2010 1:54 pm


I know I originally set out to do this with Jordan, however a few things seriously altered my thinking.

First of all basic human models are very poor in the GW WHFB range for this. There are no decent plastics kits for Kislivites. Bretonnians make better Fiest style kingdom troops anyway.

Also I have to admit I have always wanted to paint some wood elves and dwarves. These fit prefectly with the Eledhel and Dwarves of feists world. Plus you have dragons, giants, trolls, goblins etc!

So from a fiest perspective its fairly straight forward good and evil with a few that could go either way...

So from a WHFB point of view:


Wood Elves: Eledhel
Dwarves: Dwarves
Bretonnians: Kingdom Soldiers
Battle Wizards: Pug, Macros etc.


Ogres: Giants
Golblins: Golbins
Dark Elves: Moredhel
Empire Free Companies: Human Renegades
Chaos Raiders: Human Renegades
Lizard Men: Sauur

Either way:

Wood Elves: Glamredhel (I know these guys are basically good but not alwys from a kingdom persective).

I am sure there would be some cool scale Samurai mini's out tehre somewhere to use as Tsuarani.

I think a battle/campaign based around the third book of the Magician series would be sensational.


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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptySun Aug 15, 2010 10:27 pm

Ok well fair enough. Looks like WoT is having a bunch of movies and games developed anyways so I'm sure we'll be getting plenty of that as it is.

As for Feist's books I think I have only read Magician so will probably have to read the series. Bummed though as I was thinking of Trollocs and Seanchan so would've had more fun converting...
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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 2:42 am

Rednuts_rock wrote:
Ok well fair enough. Looks like WoT is having a bunch of movies and games developed anyways so I'm sure we'll be getting plenty of that as it is.

As for Feist's books I think I have only read Magician so will probably have to read the series. Bummed though as I was thinking of Trollocs and Seanchan so would've had more fun converting...

Hmm well sorry. I mean I dont want to stamp my feet...

However in all seriousness, I think you will find endless conversion ideas on Feist.

Hadati Hillmen (basically scottish highlander type dudes).
Keshian Dog Soldiers
All sorts of elves.
All sort of humans.
Lots of monsters.

Tanya has been buying up the Fiest Graphic novels as well if you want a look.

Mate if you want to convert Seanchan you are going to get the same satisfaction out of Tsurani. Even down to the fact that every house is different colours etc...

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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 2:48 am

Ill take some photo' of the Elves I have been working on later tonight.

Some Glamredhel (Wild, feral, barabaric type elves.
And Eledhel (Normal typical wood elf types).

My next project will be some dwarves, and maybe some Hadati hill men.

Also I think we have to allow for creativeness as well. For example, if you want to paint some Dark Elf Witch Elves. Well strictly speaking there are not really any units that would match. However I think it easy enough to assume that the Moredhel in all their evilness could easily have some female cult of blood thirsty elves who enjoy nothing more that getting half nekid and terrorising the kingdom or their woodland brothers Smile

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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 5:14 am

Ah not worried I just don't know as much about Feist as mentioned above, but I'm sure that will change when I read it. Actually the tough bit will be assigning points and stats if it gets to the tabletop stage. Considering the cheesey shit that GW comes up with perhaps it's harder than it would appear.
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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 3:20 pm

Yes well. The points will be really interesting.

I think the best idea personally would be to replicate/immitate LOTR style rules.

This allows for a much more dynamic game with looser units etc.

Also very good for charater play which would be very doable in a Feist world.

I have the LOTR rulebook as well if you want a read. Great game.

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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptyMon Aug 16, 2010 4:40 pm

Yeah if I can't download it I'll borrow it from you for sure.
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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB EmptyTue Aug 17, 2010 2:23 am

For working out points and stuff as well there is enough varirty in the LOTR army lists with all the right races you could prob do a fairly simple "Counts As" system at least to kick things off...

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Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB   Feist (Midkemia) Themed WHFB Empty

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